Thursday, September 07, 2006

A mini panic

Yesterday we had a look at the SA immigration website and noticed Becks occupation (Community Worker) is no longer listed! Arghh, panic panic panic.

Quick email to agent to clarfiy. Hoped that because we have already been nominated it will be ok, but slight panic set in...

Response from calm, collected agent:

"You have already been granted successful nomination from SA and your application has been lodged with DIMA which means that any changes that have occurred since then do not affect you."

Oh we must learn not to panic in these situations. Just soooo scared of something going wrong! It sometimes seems it will be more about the achievement of getting the visa as opposed to actually moving to Australia! Self referral to list below...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Why are we doing it?

Now that we have submitted our application to DIMA there is nothing else to do accept wait to hear back from them... in about 5-6months. This has meant that we haven't really thought much about the whole migration thing, however, when we do we have started to ask why are we doing it. So, we havce created a list which we look at whenever the question of why comes up.


- Unfinished business down under, so many places to see
- A (minimum) two year experience
- Experience of living in another country

- Buy a lovely house, with lots of space - $7,000 gift
- Pleasant city life, with job/career opportunities
- Be fit, healthy and active

- Live near gorgeous beaches
- Live within reach of several world famous wine regions

- Blue skies
- Longer summers
- Warmth, not as many cold achy joints!

- Laid back
- Barbecues!
- Alfresco dining
- Cheaper cost of living

- To have your shopping packed in the supermarket!
- It’s only 2 hours from Sydney