Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Dan & Becks Vintage 2008

Ok, well maybe not quite a Dan and Becks vintage just yet but we had a great day on Sunday when our friends Taryn and Mark invited us to spend the day with an old mate of Marks at his place in the Barossa Valley. The old mate happened to be Dave Lehmann, wine maker extraordinare! Awesome - count us in!

Anyway, other than a few photos I'm going to keep this blog to a minimum and refer you to fellow blogger Dave who tells the story on his own site and in his own words! And whilst you're there, order some vino and enjoy!

Quick stop at a view point in the Barossa

Morning tea at Illaparra cellar door - underground!

Dan does his thing

Wine glorious wine!

Becks, it's not ready for drinking yet!

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